How Far Along: 38 weeks (pic: 38w2d–last band concert!)
Size of Baby as Relative to Common Household Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkin (although seriously, at this point, she’s just baby-sized.)
Total Weight Gain: Up 20 lbs.
Sex: Girl
Movement: Yup.
Sleep: Eh.
What I miss: Not being pregnant.
Cravings: Eh.
Symptoms: My hands keep going numb? That’s new.
Labor Signs: So passing parts of my plug pretty much stopped by Wednesday, but it picked back up again after my internal exam on Friday. Now in pink! Lots of BH contractions, but nothing really labor-y. Also, still just 1 cm dilated. *sigh*
Emotions: Done.
Maternity Clothes: Over it.
Best Moment this week: Spending pretty much the entire weekend on my new exercise ball at home with my husband watching Farscape. It was beautiful and exactly what I needed. Also, being told I’m pretty much not expected to come into the office again until after my maternity leave is over was GREAT.
To do list: Have a baby.
Nice! It only matters that you’re spending quality time together and it will make your week out of stress. Thanks for sharing!