How Far Along: 35 weeks (pic: 35w2d)
Size of Baby as Relative to Common Household Fruit or Vegetable: Butternut squash (really? that’s it?!)
Total Weight Gain: Up 17.5 as of this morning.
Sex: Girl
Movement: STOP. KICKING. ME.
Sleep: Just thinking about it makes me feel frustrated.
What I miss: Not being pregnant.
Cravings: Meh.
Symptoms: My belly button has more or less disappeared. So have my ankle bones. Everything hurts. You know. All the fun things.
Labor Signs: Nada.
Emotions: Is “done” an emotion?
Maternity Clothes: I got two new pair of pants. I can leave the house again. Hoorah!
Best Moment this week: Baby shower today!
To do list: After the baby shower today, I came home and immediately ordered pretty much everything we need to get ready for baby. Most of it will be here by Wednesday! We still need: a diaper bag, diaper pail, cloth-friendly detergent, night light, some first aid items and a space heater for the bathroom. We also have a ton of laundry to do and a fair amount of organizing. Also, we need to pack our hospital bags. As soon as we get the diaper bag, we’ll be on our way!
I stumbled over from your BlogHer Bringing Home Baby post
“Emotions: Is “done” an emotion?”
That’s pretty much where I am. I even joked the other day with my nurse that I’m not so much ready to have another baby, but I’m certainly ready NOT be to pregnant anymore!
Haha, YUP!