How Far Along: 29 weeks (Pic: 29w1d)
Size of Baby as Relative to Common Household Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkin
Total Weight Gain: Up 13 lbs. I put on 4 lbs. last week. Yikes!
Sex: Boy
Movement: Kicks and punches are slowing down, but still getting occasional big, broad movements. Pretty sure he’s still breech. If he hasn’t flipped by Friday (30 weeks), then I’ll be throwing a lot of energy into the Spinning Babies exercises to flip a breech.
Sleep: Everything hurts, especially at night, so it can make it hard/impossible to get a good night’s sleep. I’m very grateful for my chiropractor. After a visit with her, I’m able to sleep again for a few nights without a lot of pain.
What I Miss: Sleep
Cravings: Not much. I’m starting to run out of room when I eat, so food sounds less and less appetizing.
Symptoms: Fatigue, everything hurts, hot and sweaty all the time. I’ve pretty much given up wearing anything with long sleeves.
Maternity Clothes: It’s weird how quickly you go from still being able to integrate your regular clothes with your maternity wardrobe to even your maternity wardrobe starting not to fit. I’m feeling a little frustrated with several of my Liz Lange maternity t-shirts, which are too short and constantly ride up over my hips and belly. What’s the point of all the ruching if it’s not long enough to cover my belly once I’m in third tri?
Preparations: The biggie this week was taking a tour of our hospital. I really like the hospital, LOVE the practice we went with, and am stoked for a more positive birth. The last couple of weeks, we also hung and painted crown molding, bought baby clothes, painted picture frames and selected wall art. All that’s left is to hang everything and make the crib skirt. Hopefully I’ll have the nursery completely finished by the end of the week!

Emotions: I’m ready to have a baby. Partly because things are starting to be uncomfortable. Partly though because I’ve waited a long time and been through a lot of crap to have a baby. I’m ready for him to be here.
PgAL Thoughts: I’m eager for this pregnancy and birth, which come with a lot of worry and anxiety and what if’s, to be over and to have a baby.
Best Moment(s) This Week: My mother-in-law came to visit, and we had a wonderful time with her here. Great chats and lots of fun family moments. Isla in particular had a blast with her Grammy.
Starting next week, I’m going to try posting weekly. We’ll see how it goes. It’s already kind of hard to get these done every other week–particularly taking pictures, as most days I don’t have time to do my hair or try to scrounge up real clothes to wear–but I would love to have the record.
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