What else is there to say, kids? Waiting sucks. Yes, I know I’m just hitting the 38-week tomorrow. Yes, I know that means I’m still 2 weeks until my due date. Yes, I know that most first time mamas don’t blow until after 41 weeks. Don’t care. I’m already beyond impatient. WHEN IS SHE COMING OUT?!
Since everything at my house is pretty much baby-ready, there’s not a whole lot left for me to do with my spare time except work overtime trying to get some last-minute projects at work wrapped up and watch Farscape. Which isn’t a terrible way to spend my spare time. My new project at work is actually a lot of fun, a brand new type of work that’s creative and challenging and involves just the right amount of tedium and spreadsheet-making, and Farscape is a really fun TV series.
Still. I’m sick of being pregnant. Baby is so low, everything from the hips down feels like it weighs about 500 lbs., it hurts, and I can barely walk. It takes me 10 minutes to get from my computer chair to the bathroom. Even going to the grocery store to grab some chicken breasts and salad stuff is enough exertion to give me crippling contractions, the kind that have me huffing, puffing, and bent in half in the middle of Fred Meyer (yet another reason to stick to online grocery shopping!) I went in to work for a meeting yesterday, and as soon as I walked in the door, everyone in the room went, “Awwww,” because watching me attempt to walk is sad. Even waddling implies a certain level of grace and speed which I am no longer capable of.
I can’t sleep. I can’t sit. I can’t stand. I certainly can’t move. In my opinion, these are all signs it’s past time for baby to come out.
I have another doctor’s appointment tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed that my internal exam yields being sent straight to labor and delivery, but if not, at least I’m hoping to get the news that I’m making steady progress and might be able to entertain the idea of having a baby within the next week or so. Of course, the pessimist in me is convinced that I’m still going to be pregnant in April. *sigh*
In happier news, work threw me a surprise mini-shower today. It was great. The cake was delicious, and Isla got a lot of fun presents (including a $75 gift certificate to Babies R Us!) I wish I’d had my camera with me, but I didn’t have any clue that they were going to do something today. I thought I was coming in to fill out some paperwork. Silly, gullible me! It was really, really nice, though. I’m lucky to have such sweet coworkers. Here’s a pic of the adorable basket they got us. I’m thinking I may reuse it for Isla’s newborn pictures:
Anywho, the best part is that I’m cleared to work from home from here on out. Both my current and former supervisor have made it clear that I’m pitiful and need to keep my slow, 500 lb. butt at home. Pajamas and showering after noon FTW! 🙂
So…it’s time to come out, Isla. Hurry up!
For what it’s worth, both of my kids arrived at 38 weeks. So there is hope for you yet. If you can get out and walk, do it. Bounce on a yoga ball… Get intimate with your hubby. Even if it doesn’t help move things along, at least your next 3 weeks will be enjoyable. That’s really great of your work to throw a surprise shower and let you work from home the remainder of the time. I worked up until the very ends of both pregnancies.
Both of my mom’s kids came early, too, and my husband was an early baby and his family has a history of early labor. SO. I’m kind of hoping she’ll surprise us and come out this week. 😉 Thanks for the encouragement and for the advice!
Good luck with everything! It sounds like you’re ready to go!