How Far Along: 11 weeks (pic 11w3d)
Size of Baby as Relative to Common Household Fruit or Vegetable: Lime
Total Weight Gain: Down another pound as of last Wednesday. I’m guessing I’m down 5-6 lb. total. I expect that to switch into reverse pretty quickly now that I’m eating again.
Sex: We should know next week.
Movement: Only gas.
Sleep: Intense dreams, drool, and bladder sensations wake me up a lot, and after around 5 AM, it’s hard to go back to sleep.
What I miss: Caffeine
Cravings: Home cooking, but especially veggies. Fried squash and onions, okra boiled or fried, thick slices of my mom’s garden tomatoes with lots of salt. I could really go for a pot of beans right about now, too.
Symptoms: Definitely moving into the second trimester. Back pain and round ligament pain (sneezing is scary!) are my two biggest problems right now. Still occasionally find myself wanting a nap in the afternoons, too.
Emotions: Happy. Being able to pick up baby consistently on the doppler has helped alleviate a lot of the day to day anxiety.
PgAL Thoughts: While I’m generally much more confident about this pregnancy, I realize that I’m probably going to be extremely cautious for the duration of this pregnancy as well. With Isla, I never worried about the occasional slip with deli sandwiches or drinking a caffeine-laden soda, but this time around, I do. I’m so careful with my body in all things, avoiding picking Isla up and doing anything too strenuous. I’m just so worried I’m going to do something that will screw everything up. I don’t see that changing.
Maternity Clothes: It’s true what they say about getting a belly sooner after your first baby. With Isla, I think I was close to 15 or 16 weeks before I popped. This time, at 10 weeks. It was very noticeable, too. I went from flat stomach to pooch overnight, and it was accompanied by screaming RLP for about 3 days. Even non-maternity leggings are uncomfortable, so I’m wearing a lot of elasticized/drawstring waist bands with a lot of give, loose-fitting dresses, and maternity pants. I’ve probably got a couple of months before I’ll need to worry about stretching out my non-maternity tops, though.
Best Moment This Week: Letting Isla listen to the baby’s heartbeat on doppler, then letting her listen to hers. Two sweetest sounds in the whole wide world to me.
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