How Far Along: 30 weeks (Pic: 30w1d)
Size of Baby as Relative to Common Household Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkin
Total Weight Gain: Up 14 lbs.
Sex: Boy
Movement: I think kiddo may have flipped this week. He still doesn’t move much compared to Isla, but I’m getting much more distinctive kicks upward, and Kellen and I both were able to pick up a pair of legs up by my ribs. Tons of hiccups this week, too.
Sleep: My hips are hurting a ton at night, so I’m waking up a lot and not really able to sleep in. I can fall asleep on the couch at 8 PM, though, like nobody’s business.
What I Miss: Sleep
Cravings: Tom kha soup. I think this might have been the first time in either pregnancy where I’ve had to randomly run out and get something I was craving, and I actually really want to do it again right now.
Symptoms: I am big, sweaty, and uncomfortable. Lots of trips to the restroom. Lots of hot flashes. Also: my pelvis is vibrating at random times, which apparently is a thing that can happen.
Maternity Clothes: Seriously, I’m outgrowing my maternity clothes–including some of the bigger ones I wore all the way through with Isla which is weird because I feel like I’m a lot smaller this time but apparently not–and I have potentially as many as 12 weeks still to go.
Preparations: We put up some bookshelves and hung the finished picture frames in the kids’ room. I also managed to finish the crib skirt this weekend! Super proud of myself. This is the biggest sewing project I’ve done on my own since high school, and I did it all without a pattern. If you lift the mattress, you can see what a disaster it truly is, but with the mattress down, it looks fantastic.
Isla is really happy with all the new stuff in her room. Her favorite additions are the bookshelves.
Emotions: Stressed out right now with things that have nothing to do with the pregnancy and impatient to have a baby.
PgAL Thoughts: This weekend was the 1-year anniversary of the EDD for our first loss. There’s still bizarro world Katie in my mind planning a first birthday party, but I tried not to think about it a whole lot. It helped that we’ve been very busy.
Best Moment(s) This Week: This was a pretty great week. I passed my 1-hour GTT–cut off was 130, my blood sugar was 83! My parents took Isla for part of the weekend, so Kellen and I got some time to hang out together and finish up a lot of projects around the house. We got to have [way too much] sushi with our friends Nick and Erica. Kellen and Isla made chocolate-covered strawberries for Valentine’s Day, and they were delicious. I got a much-needed cut and color, so I’m not embarrassed to show my head in public anymore. Today is a holiday for Isla and me, so we’ve been hanging out and having a good time. All around, no complaints.
I love the fresh hair color! I’m sure it felt great to treat yourself. Sounds like you might have to do it again with a little maternity shopping! And congrats on the GTT!