I’m still pregnant. Blue Moon is measuring 8w3d, spot on, and has grown so much again in just a few days. From 14-19 mm in 5 days, and now the head and arms and legs are even more clear. We saw the heart beating and the blood pumping through the umbilical cord and quite a bit more movement! Looks like this pregnancy will have an anterior placenta, which will be a little nerve wracking for tracking movement but may explain why this little one has done so well. Keep growing, baby!
We also had a great chat with one of the midwives at our new practice. I have such a good feeling about them. They have a completely different approach to pregnancy/birth than the doctors/hospital I had my daughter with, and I feel like this experience will have a lot less of the unnecessary fear-mongering and bullying that we went through before. I’m hoping so hard this gets to be our first (last and only) nice, quiet, pleasant pregnancy.
From here, I go back for Panorama genetic testing blood work in 2 weeks and then another meeting with the OB and I believe another u/s in October.
I went ahead and purchased a fetal doppler so I can hopefully hear baby’s heartbeat to alleviate some of my worries at home. I know I may not be reliably able to hear until closer to 12 weeks, especially since I have a retroverted uterus, but on the off chance I can get it working sooner, it will be massively reassuring. Also a fun party trick to share with family.
I feel like we can start making plans now. Thinking about names and purchasing maternity clothes. We still have a long way to go, but it feels so good to be over these first few humps.
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