I won’t even begin to claim that we invested a huge amount of time and energy into the pursuit. I wanted to find someone who was covered and recommended by our insurance, affiliated with the hospital where we’re delivering (since I’ve been really happy with the quality of care I’ve received from the clinic affiliated with the hospital where we’re delivering), and who had good ratings on the internet. I found several who met my criteria, PLUS the doctor we found is a graduate of the University of Texas. Does that necessarily make a superlative doctor? No. Does it up the likelihood we’ll have interesting conversation? Yes.
My thoughts are: if we hate the pediatrician, we can always find a new one. All of the reviews I found, though, were extremely positive, as were those of the other doctors in his clinic. That works for me.
We’ve also gotten signed up for breastfeeding and newborn care classes. We’re not doing a childbirth class. We already know signs of labor, stages of labor, and what to look for to call the doctor. I’ll be doing Hypnobabies at home to learn coping mechanisms. I know I’ll be doing a lot more research on my own, as well, and I just can’t see the need to spend a whole weekend at the hospital and a boat load of money learning things I can just as easily pick up on my own. The breastfeeding and newborn care classes are short, inexpensive, and are on topics I feel far less confident about. (This has been my position on the whole being pregnant thing since we found out: the pregnancy/birth isn’t nearly as big a deal to me as everything that comes after.)
We successfully rearranged our bedroom furniture this weekend, too, and picked up some more baby clothes from CL last night. ($10 for 12 outfits, plus blankets and burp cloths. Not a bad deal!) Slowly but surely, we’re getting everything ready. I just wish we didn’t have so much longer to wait.
We picked out pediatrician last week =)
Kinda late in the game but oh well. She's affiliated with the hospital I'm giving birth at and came recommended from our birthing class instructor. She's also a lactation consultant which is a HUGE PLUS since I plan on exclusively breastfeeding =)
I was going to try Hypnobabies but went with the Bradley Method instead. I think next baby I'll try Hypnobabies. At the time Bradley was what was recommended from our Chiropractor and the philosophy gelled with ours.
I also wanted to say thanks for always leaving comments/feedback on my blog! I really appreciate it. Also I'm your newest follower =)
Wow, you're ahead of the game for sure! I didn't pick a pediatrician until my baby was 8 weeks old. haha. Granted, we had a midwife that did postnatal care up until then, but still….talk about last minute!
@Nessa, that's great! And I'm impressed that she's also a lactation consultant. That'll be a huge help! 🙂 How do you like the Bradley method?
@Krystal, I'm extremely type A. I always plan way, way too far ahead. 😉